Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Building Construction

Project 1 : Documentation and Analysis Construction Process

In a group of 8 people, we require to choose 4 storey building ( Low rise building ) construction site to do research for the report. The site that we visit is chosen by ourselves.

Project 1 is the project to introduce us various construction elements. This project  is intends to enhance the understanding of principles of construction, construction activities and the importance of basic detailing, material and construction joints through real projects. Then also give us a chance or opportunity to study and the relationship between site and construction methods.

                                                Final BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 1 

Reflection : 
Throughout this project, i have learnt the way and various type of construction method. For example type of foundation, floor, wall, door and window , staircase, formwork. It also let me know the specific part  ( detail ) and the name of the detail.Then the standard size and how it construct to the site. This project was very fun for me and this project also has become a project give me a lot of experience.

Project 2 : Integrated Construction Solution

Project 2 is a linked project from the first project.. project two is a project which is also related to architectural design studio 2. It's talking about the type, process and construction method. This project is designed for us to show our understanding and knowledge about construction elements. Then we also produce and A2 presentation board which contain the drawing and some information about the construction method.

From this project we are require to develop our understanding of the structural elements in construction and it's application in the construction industry and also we suppose to apply suitable construction elements, material and detail/ joint solutions for a specific design. Then, we needs to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of build ability. After that, we need to know how to demonstrate how buildings are developed in response to practical considerations, besides that also to demonstrate certain level of manual drawing and sketching skills. On the other hand , to demonstrate our understanding and knowledge of construction , material and technology. Lastly is to encourage us to produce manual sketches, drawings and detailing relating to construction.

A2 presentation 

Reflection :
After go through this project, I've learnt some interesting like the construction method. this is fun project because this project allow us to choose our own construction method and what kind of construction elements that we are going to use for the retreat house. This project also help me understand into the detail/ joint that suitable for my design. Then, I also have improved my build ability and in this project I've improved my drawing and sketching skills. Beside that, My knowledge about construction got improvement and also the about the material that use for the building.

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