Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Architectural Design Studio 2


Project 1 of this architectural design studio 2 is a group work. In a group of 5 people, we get an opportunity to choose from a list of famous architect that given, and we decided to choose SO-IL. Here we are requires to do a research and analysis of SO-IL and the project that exist in this world. we also require to produce a video that talk about SO-IL, The drawing ( one of the project that we choose "Kukje art gallery") and the analysis model.

 This project is for us to have an ability to identify famous architects and their work, but some i guess some of the student not really recognize or know the name of the architects. But if we really look at this project, we know this project is going to give us a chance to know more about the background and the work of the famous architect. Then in this project we also give an opportunity to understand the basic architectural composition of solids, planes, lines and frame. Lastly is for us to have an ability to diagram and analyse work of selected architect.

Kukje Art Gallery

Interior Of Kukje Art Gallery
Work in Progress :

Progress creating box for conceptual model 1

Progress creating box for conceptual model 2

Grouping Conceptual Model

Group Conceptual Model

Conceptual Model  ( Transparency and formless)

Conceptual Model ( Natural Light ) 

Conceptual Model ( Maximize Space ) 

Conceptual Model ( Additive and Circulation ) 

Conceptual Model ( Respect to Surrounding )

Package of conceptual model

Top view of conceptual model

Conceptual model 1

Conceptual model 2

Kukje Art Gallery ( SO-IL) Research Group

Reflection :
 From this project, i have now recognize a lot of famous architect in this world, background of the famous architects and the project of famous architect. In this world , there are a lot of architects that have different kind of idea and unique style to create and design their art work. From one of the project of SO-IL (Kukje art gallery i have learnt some of the architectural element that content on that building which are hierarchy, respect to surrounding, maximize the space, lighting and shadow lastly is transparency and formless. This project let me know and teach me how to understand and analyse a building concept in the future.

Project 2: Bay Watch and Retreat House

The second project is the project for us to design a bay watch tower and retreat house at Pantai Kerachut, Pulau Penang. So we visit Penang to do site analysis. at the same time we also went to Botanical garden and National Park, we require to enter the garden and the park to find and inspiration from nature to become our concept to build the bay watch and the retreat house. Our site is divided into two site which is lake side and sea side.

                                                     Site b site analysis 

Conceptual Study From Nature : 

Project 2A : Bay Watch 

Project 2A is also a group work. In a group of 2 people, we were require to design a bay watch tower with maximum size 3 x 3 x 3m. This bay watch tower is design for ranger and have the function for the ranger to observing, resting and other activities. 

In this project we are having an opportunity to have an ability to identify form and space through conceptual. this project is actually based on the 3D conceptual model that we create from the inspiration that we get from nature. Then, to understand user requirement and simple spatial organisation skills and site responding. This second objectives is for us to understand how to design based on site context, how to respect the surrounding and how to design with simple organisation. Next is ability to develop architectural proposition. Lastly understanding of how a building is conceptualize and transformed into reality. 

Model Progress of Baywatch tower

Roof of the baywatch tower ( Progress ) 

3D model of baywatch tower ( progress) 

Top view of Baywatch Tower

Elevation 1 of baywatch tower

Elevation 2 of baywatch tower

Elevation 3 of baywatch tower

Elevation 4 of Baywatch tower 

Presentation Board (  4x A3 ( 2 A2) ) 

Group Photo

Reflection : 

Through this project, I have learnt how to translate 2D conceptual drawing to 3D, which means translate it to 3d conceptual model. from having a concept to design a building is like a house have a strong foundation. Concept is our main point to design a house or building. This project make me realize how important a concept. Then this project make me realize when designing a building or a house needs to respect the surrounding and look at the site context. lastly this project 2A make me realize that an architect must experience activities and the needs of the user.

Project 2B: Retreat House

This project 2B is an individual work. we were require to design a retreat house for a ranger to live and do his/her activities with maximum size is 150 square meter. This project is for us to develop our concept that we used for built the bay watch tower. This project is for us to explore more or develop our concept . The space, material and the design are also what this project require us to look at. 

In this project we were require to introduce the notions of concepts, program and process in architectural design. we were force to explain our concept with clear, and how the process in the drawing or in the model that we design. Then we needs to introduce the understanding of user specific and design requirement. In this objectives, we require to design a space with what is suitable and what the user need for their house. next is to introduce the notions of space, form and function in architectural design. Lastly, we need to introduce awareness of site specific design and the process of site analysis.

Presentation Board ( 2xA1)

Retreat house Model

Perspective View of Retreat house

View of The Retreat house from Merometic lake

Reflection : 
Project 2B is the project which let me achieve a lot of thing in architectural design. I learn how to maximize the space, how to design a building with concept, how to fulfill the require from the user and what the user needs. Material is the one of the thing that i learn a lot in this project, because my concept is " Time Etch "so it's relate to the ageing of the material.i learn about how the material age and learn how the material change from time to time and what type of material that suit for the site. Lastly, In project 2, i felt more real in designing a building, feels like experience a lot of thing.

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